Wake up in mourning, Apologies to Ian for locking him out in the corridor all night. He gets in bed to de frost. Wade through two foot of paprika crisps to the Lav. Spend ages cleaning up our room.
Get on boat. A group of RAF Drunkards start singing (Or was it sharking) They severely annoy Lannin and Mark Everybody’s feeling Guilty about James banging his head and the nut allergy thing. We get off boat and have to get on bus that takes us to the place ware we get our gear. Unfortunately our Coach home was at the boat. Long wait followed by a short row. Everybody sleeps on coach apart from Lucy who puts chocolate spread on her flumps (Marshmallow) And eats them.
JJ CD Jl and AL get back a day later. The unit pay £50 to cover food eaten by JJ and CD (Greedy Sods)
Months later food bill come through, Over a grand. Everybody try’s to blame it on someone else and nobody says that they will pay. The Unit agree to raise half over a one year period. Andy Jones manages to get it on insurance. Everybody is very happy.
Last month sent some Photos off to The Greater London North East County News. Including several from our hike. One clearly showing Same Shift Different Day on someone’s T Shirt. That wont get printed. Also a close up of Jem's face covered in strawberry moose. With a bit of Luck these pictures will appear in the Jan/ Feb 94 Issue.
They Did , We are Fabulous (Well we knew that)