3rd Gidea Park Scout Group
web site . . .
HQ. The Rowswell Hall, St Michaels Church, Gidea Park.
 Beavers (6 - 8 years) Tues & Fri | Cubs (8 - 10.5) Tues & Fri | Scouts (10.5 - 14) 7:30 Thur


The year is 1993.  The Rowsewell Venture Unit have had a very successful year since last summer's expedition to France. On the down side they did get banned for several years from camping at Gilwell Park. On a more positive note the RVU won everything going. Swimming, orienteering, Forest boundary hike and anything else that was up for grabs.

But most important of all we had a healthy amount of committed members in the unit who turned out every Thursday, whatever the activity. 

It was proved throughout the year, that the RVU contained a group of contrasting personalities who got on, worked and played very very well together, and all but one of them (Jenny) were going on summer camp.  It had been a long time, and it will be a long time again before 3rd Gidea Park manages (or dares) to take ten Venture Scouts on summer camp. 

After the explorer belt had been conquered there was only one challenge left for the most experienced members of the Unit. A Queens Scout Expedition beckoned. The route had to be tougher and more challenging than any attempted before. Which was a problem as the Chief Scout's Challenge nearly killed them three years previously. The scene was set for a truly great summer camp.

This is the (not very) historically accurate chronicle or the summer camp of 3rd Gidea Park and the Rowsewell Venture Unit.  Before we begin, it should be pointed out that at the time of this camp all the members of the Venture Unit were between the ages of 16 and 18.  Where possible, the Narration of this report is taken directly from the diary written by the Ventures on that camp.  However it has been edited slightly when the language became a little too colourfull for publishing. 

This Forth Edition Reprint

The Second edition erroneously claimed that during 3rd Gidea Park's successful return to Kandersteg in 1993, Andy Jones decided it would be great idea to take our Queens scout Photo album with him. The report was not seen since, so the unit has little photographic record of the Expedition. 

 It seems we owe Andy an apology.  Whilst visiting the Cheshire Cheese in Castleton during October 2002 Mr. Jackson admitted he had vague recollections of seeing one of the units photo albums when he last moved house.  It seemed he borrowed it in 1993 for his Queens Scout interview with the DC and never returned it.  So after nine years the project report was returned to the unit, prompting us to produce the third edition complete for first time, with the project and sketch maps. 

By 2010 these pages were looking very dated, the scanned pictures were much smaller than our modern news reports and the text needed a little cleaning again. These pages were removed from the group web site when we migrated to a new host. By 2020 work started on restoring some of our old expedition reports. The original scrap book has been mislaid again but some of the original negatives were found in a filing cabinet in the hall. The very sad passing of one of the 1993 Venture Scouts in 2022 prompted a refresh of the entire Summer Camp 1993 report with scans of previously unpublished pictures to produce this 4th edition web report.

The original text of the log contained mangy graphic descriptions of our activities most of which have been toned down.  The names used in this document have not changed in any way, only the events have been altered to protect the guilty.


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