The Eurostar Journey home was quiet and civilized.  Most people fell asleep at some stage, particularly once it got back in the UK and slowed right down.

Our ticket.

 Those of us sleeping were awoken by the unusually uncomfortable ride over the rickety tracks of south London.  The sooner the Channel tunnel rail link (HS1) gets finished the better!

Waterloo underground! 

With no patrol box to hold us back we made easy progress through Waterloo, once the leaders had purchased our tickets using a bewildering array of special offers and rail cards.


Arriving back in London was a huge shock.  We had just traveled by rail half way across Europe without as much as a 30 second delay.  

We get to Stratford where like the underground we know a train will be allong in a few minutes. Gail goes into control freak mode and feels it necessary to phone up to find out exactly where the next Gidea Park train was.

This coach is ours!
Our train soon turned up on time and then promptly broke down at Ilford. Welcome home boys and Girls! On arrival back in G.P the leaders wasted no time in returning to there regular meeting room of the Ship Gidea Park, for a well earned lunch.
Leaders Debriefing.
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