The walk back down is just as dangerous, if not more so than the way up.  But the light is much better and everyone is more confident.  We even had time to have a little play in some of the snow.

 In the picture on the right one of our walkers can be seen on the snow at the foot of the Hockenhorn just after we climbed off it.  The Hockenhorn is the mountain behind him.

Has someone come a cropper.

 The faster walkers sped off, not wanting to miss out on the porridge whilst the rest of us bimbled along enjoying the view.

Andy L slips and uses his Axe as a break. 
 As our route down follows the ridge most of the way, we are regularly able to stop and admire the view towards Italy as well as back across the valley to the North.

The picture on the right is taken just after we have crossed back past the steepest bit of snow on the north side of the little Hockenhorn.  At this point the snow can be seen steeply sloping away to the left and right.

 The impressive mountain in the background is the Balmhorn.

Another slippery bit.

 Below Andy L and Nicola G pose for a photograph with the sun rising behind them.

Resting at the and of the first steep bit.
 The mood on the descent was a good one.  In fact one of the Venture Scouts who has been so resolutely against hiking on previous camps was even herd to admit that he had enjoyed the walks this year.

 There has been a a little criticism in the press over the last year or so about the way Scout leaders run hikes.

 Some people feel that some Scout hikes are occasionally designed for the abilities and ambitions of the leaders rather than the kids.  Our priority is always safety first and insuring that nothing we do is beyond the abilities of the people in the party.  We want everyone to have fun. however if every hike we do is designed to cater for the youngest and least experienced scout in the troop, the rest will soon get bored.

 This is an example of a hike for experienced Ventures who wanted something more than a gentle bimble up a mountain.  It was led by appropriately trained and experienced leaders.  It was hard but safe and it was not beyond the abilities of anyone in the group. Above all it was fun.  It was a hike where the Venture Scouts didn't get bored.
Andy L. on the hard snow.
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